T-Shirt Yarn is a great way to bring new life to an old tee. Once morphed into t-yarn, the material lends a very sturdy and durable quality to your craft. I used shades of greys and blues to make the tote bag you see to the left.
T-yarn is so easy and quick to make that you'll soon be asking around for people's old t-shirts! I've also used it to make a rug, belt, and coffee cup cozy. Follow my step-by-step tutorial to make some t-yarn and get creative the DIY way!
Step 1. Start with cotton t-shirt that has no seams on sides. |
Step 2. Cut off bottom strip and cut underneath armpit of shirt. |
Step 3. Cut .5" wide strips up to the top while leaving about.5" uncut at the top. |
What your piece should like after Step 3. |
Step 4. Cut from left side diagnoally across to edge of first strip. |
Step 5. Cut diagnoally from right side of second strip on bottom to the right side of the second strip on top (You're creating one continuous strip of material). |
What your piece should look like during Step 5. |
What your pieced should like after Step 5. |
Step 6. Continue Step 5 for each strip across. |
Step 7. Cut diagonally up from the left side of the last strip. |
You should now have one continuos strip of material that looks like this. |
Step 8. Simply pull on your strip a little at a time for the entire length. |
What your yarn will look like after Step 8. |
Step 9. Roll it into a ball for future use. |
Your t-yarn is ready to be made into something awesome! |
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